VOP Dolní Bousov, spol. s.r.o. is located in the picturesque Český ráj ("Bohemian Paradise") landscape. You will find it at the outskirts of the Dolní Bousov town, approximately 1.5 km from the Jičín-Mladá Boleslav A-road, inside a former military area which is currently administrated by DOBOS s.r.o. The area is fenced and guarded by a security agency on the 24/7 basis. The DOBOS company area is connected by a siding to the local railway station, which is a node for trains heading for Mladá Boleslav, Kopidlno, Jičín and Bakov nad Jizerou. Since VOP and DOBOS have the same owner and general manager, VOP is permitted to use the siding (having its own locomotive) on an unlimited basis. The company has platforms for unloading both railway wagons and trucks.